Al Travis from Between the Lines visited Eagle’s Healing Nest and created a video about that experience. He spent time visiting with Melony Butler, Executive Director of Eagle’s Healing Nest, Robert Larson, resident of Eagle’s Healing Nest, and Jim Abeler, Senator and supporter of Eagle’s Healing Nest. Between the Lines shared a 30 minute story about Eagle’s Healing Nest and the new Anoka facility. The video includes a tour around the facility, information about how the Anoka facility became a home for veterans within 57 days, the ongoing needs of the organization, the thoughts of a current resident and a supporter’s perspective.
Thank You Supporters & Between the Lines
We can’t thank all our supporters enough. The volunteers, donors, advocates and media support has been amazing. Thank you to Between the Lines for sharing our story. Al asked numerous times how people could support Eagle’s Healing Nest – if you are looking for more information on providing supplies, support or donations, please visit our Donate page for more information. Click Here To Watch The Video